If there’s one thing you can be certain of in the world of electronic devices, it’s that someone will manage to get it to run Doom. And in the case of this year’s Def Con event, a long-running and popular hacking conference, the device in question just so happened to be the badge issued to all attendees.
Of course, given the nature of the event, the badge isn’t just a mere piece of plastic—it’s more of a Tamagochi-Gameboy-cross, with a little screen, speakers, and a Raspberry Pi RP2350 microcontroller. Def Con’s attendee badges are always very popular, as they’re designed to be hacked, modded, and repurposed as much as possible, so getting one to run Doom was kind of obligatory.
Not that it was a straightforward task, as coder Kilograham highlights in the blog for the …